Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Benoît Pioulard - Précis

Nathan totally called me on my shit the other day. Every time I tell people that I'm starting this blog back up, I end up neglecting it. This time I'm not making any promises, although I might actually be more willing to post more now that I'm done with school. We'll see.

Today's album: Benoît Pioulard - Précis (Kranky 2006)
Genre: Psych-folk, Shoegaze
Running time: 15 tracks, 36:59
In a nutshell: Hazy textured autumnal folk

  1. La Guerre de Sept Ans - 3:08
  2. Together and Down - 3:08
  3. Ext. Leslie Park - 2:42
  4. Triggering Back - 2:30
  5. Moth Wings - 1:16
  6. Alan and Dawn - 2:50
  7. Corpus Chant - 1:43
  8. Palimend - 3:04
  9. Coup de Foudre - 1:32
  10. Hirondelle - 2:22
  11. Needle & Thread - 2:43
  12. R Coloring - 0:39
  13. Sous la Plage - 2:59
  14. Patter - 2:58
  15. Ash Into Sky - 3:18
It rained yesterday. Wasn't that weird? Totally out of the blue (not literally, the sky had actually turned a weird pinkish purple hue), just a tiny sprinkle that lasted a few precious moments. Seemed out of place, didn't it? So does this album. Pioulard's hazy mix of finger picked guitars, organic percussion, and foggy electronics is perfect for the cooler months. But like yesterday's short-lived sprinkle, this album is actually a refreshing break from the heavy heat of the summer. There isn't a lot here to get excited about, nothing to work up a sweat to. The tracks on the album tend to blur into one pleasantly cool mess. There aren't really any particular moments that are really worth mentioning; it's the aesthetic as a whole that you have to either take or leave. Most likely you are going to take it. Pioulard's hushed vocals and gently flowing compositions are just so lazy and relaxing, you probably won't be very motivated to turn it off.

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