Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Indian Jewelry - Free Gold!

Hello, dearest friends. Another beautiful day, another beautiful album. I only have two days left in San Diego! I'll miss my friends, but I can't wait to be back in school...

Today's album: Indian Jewelry - Free Gold!

Genre(s): Psychadelic Rock, Shoegaze, Experimental
Released: May 20, 2008
Running Time: 14 songs, 50:45
In a nutshell: pretty drones, no real songs

I think I've listened to this album in its entirety just once. I never listened to it again, because it's a bit tiring. Basically, this band focuses on recreating the 60's psychadelic sound with new, shoegaze textures. The guitars sound Eastern underneath the layers of distortion and effects, and they tend to just drone along with the unremarkable rhythm section. This format is wonderful at first, but the absence of any real hooks or discernible lyrical content makes the album as a whole seem dull. Then again, if you plug in your headphones and really pay attention, you might find the sheer amount of detail packed into every song rewarding.

I'm hungover. Time to pick up my little brother, and then maybe take a nap. Peace!

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